OUR results

Global Recovery Score

The Global Recovery Score is a proprietary aggregate score which takes into account all 9 standardized instruments used in the Trac9 battery. Scores can range from 0% to 100%, with higher scores reflecting improvements in resilience and decreases in pathology.

Trac9 Informatics closely monitors these critical factors throughout the course of treatment, allowing for care to be tailored specifically to each client.

Why was this developed?

GRS was created to provide a comprehensive benchmark in total improvement throughout the course of treatment.

Scientific Validation for
Industry Standard

Each instrument contributing to the Global Recovery Score is standardized and published in scientific literature. As of 2023, GRS has been collected on over 100,000 clients, representing all levels of care, and all regions of the United States.

Trac9 Informatics customers are able to benchmark their performance against the national average GRS through all assessment batteries and aggregate scoring.

How to Value-Based Care

Trac9 costs are often reimbursed via CPT codes or increased negotiated bundled payments.